29 September, After the last result, I wasn't very happy with the amount, it was ok, but not great, I think Set-up 9 was much better. I have been doing a lot of thinking and
measuring, I totally redesigned the panels to make them more efficient and logical. I specially wanted to improve the heatperformance and the Led spacing, that's why the size
of the panels was doubled to 400 * 260 mm, 16 * 10 inch. As with almost every productdevelopment, things are taking longer than expected. Sorry for the delay, in 2 1/2 weeks I
will start a new Set-up with the redesigned panels.

15 September, 119 grams of dry weight, not bad at all. Estimated power consumption is 95 KwH, so for every gram of bud, I used 0,8 KwH (1.25 g/KwH). A nice result indeed, although I would like to have repeated the 1,56 g/KwH from Set-up 9. I already altered the panel design, to make it more efficient and logical, the first 2 products are being constructed at this moment. These are also the ones that I will be selling.

11 September, harvest day, I left them a bit longer but now they are ready. It is a nice amount, in a couple of days we will know the dry weight.

August 29, As you can see, the buds have grown quite a bit in the past week. I think they will finish a couple of days early. The result will definitely be good :-) For those of you who have seen fluffy Led buds before; these buds are not fluffy at all, with these panels they are just as solid as with HPS.

August 22, 2 weeks to go, they look very good. The amount of red hairs hasn't increased any further, the central buds are still white. I am proceeding with the panels as planned, the panels that can be purchased through this website will be presented in a couple of weeks. Thank you once again for your patience.

August 15, 3 weeks to go, the buds are still getting thicker every day and the smell is great. There are quite a few red hairs already, I turned on the Far red's when I switched to flowering, but maybe it would have been better to wait until growth had stopped. I'll have to wait for the result before I can make a decision about what would be the best moment to switch them on.

August 6, 1 month to go, the buds are getting thicker every day, everything is fine.

29 July, sprayed against the spider mites once more, 5 1/2 weeks to go. The panels will be available for purchase in a couple of weeks, just waiting for the components to arrive. Thank you for your patience.

22 July, Everything is fine, flowers are getting bigger every day. It's now 4 years ago that I started this project, I can hardly believe it.

15 July, Flowers are developing rapidly, I've installed some netting to support the plants and I've sprayed against the spider mites. Everything is ok.

6 July, They are really booming, I switched to flowering on July 4, so with 9 weeks of flowering the harvest will be at September 5. As you can see I changed the reflective foil for Mylar Diamond foil, this gives a good diffusion of the reflected light. It helps to reduce the light losses to a minimum. The gaps in the corners are needed for the air to circulate.

1 July, the new panels have been put into action, lots and lots of XP-E power, totally 90 Watt. I will switch to flowering in 3 days.

Top view, on the left you can see the carbonfilter against the smell and the regulated ventilator on top of it. The outcoming airstream is directed over the surface of the cooling reflector, this helps a lot to reduce the temperature to less than 30 degrees celsius (86 F). Remember the effieciency of the Led's improves dramatically if they are kept cool.
You can also see the reflective foil around the cooling reflector, this is obviously done to direct as much light as possible back to the plants.

Here are the panels mounted on the cooling reflector. You can see the tiny circuitboards next to the Led panels, these are a modification of the Red/Blue adjusting circuit. This version has almost no losses and of course it will be implemented onto the panel boards.

Here you can see the backside of the panel, it has just been covered with thermo conductive glue. In this case I've used the glue from Fisher Elektronik, the one from Loctite is better but more expensive.

Here you can see the cooling reflector, the backside of one of the panels and one of the powersupplies.

22 June 2011, Finally the first picture of the Led panel prototypes, thank you for your patience. These are similar to the panels that I will start selling, together with a power supply, in a couple of weeks. please email me if you want to receive a notice when sales finally takes off.
Of course in the picture they are running at only a few milliamps. Each panel can handle up to 45 Watt of XP-E power. You can also clearly see the black adjusting knobs. With these you can control the ratio between Blue and Red, extra Blue for vegging and extra Red and Farred for flowering. I will start the new Set-Up with these panels and provide more details on saturday 1 July.
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