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May 30, 2013. Dry weight is 154 gram, pretty good after all :-)

May 22, 2013. Finally took the plants out, it was a quite a bit later than expected. This was mainly because I waited for the optimal milky color of the trichromes. Quality is excellent, the buds are very potent and sticky, I'll make some great hash out of the trimmed tiny leaves. Also the amount is pretty good, in a couple of days I'll let you guys know the dry weight.

May 6, 2013. 1 Week to go, they will be ready exactly on time, the buds look very potent, loaded with christals. But to tell you guys the truth; I'm not really happy with all the small buds, next time I'll grow Casey Jones, which is a strain with much more Indica.

April 29, 2013. 2 weeks to go, first orange hairs are visible, the timing is good.

April 22, 2013. 3 weeks to go, Buds are getting bigger every day, the smell is great. Tonight I'll remove some of the little leaves and flowers at the lower bottom of the plants. The idea behind that is the energy of the plant will go to into the bigger buds on top, (I hope), instead of producing the rather useless tiny flowers.

April 15, 2013. 4 weeks to go, plants are very healthy and buds are growing steadily.

April 7, 2013. 4 weeks into flowering, flowers are getting bigger, everything looks good. These Amnesia plants are indeed quite difficult, even when growth seems to have stopped, they suddenly are shooting up with large internode distances. Strange plants, they are said to have the similair behavior when the are under HPS.

March 31, 2013. A picture with the panels switched off to show you the developing flowers. There is 6 weeks to go.

March 25, 2013. After 2 weeks of flowering the flowers are becoming visible. I am very happy the growth has almost stopped, I really don't want these long plants again, whether it is a Haze or not.

March 18, 2013. Switched to flowering a week ago, growth is perfect again.

March 4, 2013. While the harvested plants are still drying, amount was about 140 gram, 26 new Amnesia clones already went in. At the moment I'm just letting them get started a bit, I will to switch to flowering 3 days from now. By switching to flowering with the plants only about 10 cm high, I am hoping to get 26 nice candles of bud.

February 25, 2013. Taking them out, please look at the amount, with 3 plants still standing, I alreay have 2 full plates, really nice. The quality is excellent, very sticky and smelly :-). I'll let you guys know the dry weight in a couple of days.

February 10, 2013. Everything is looking great, the first orange hairs of the trichomes are visible, so it looks like they will be finishing in about 2 weeks, exactly on time after all. For the next Set-up, I'll switch to flowering a bit earlier, to keep the plants smaller.

February 1, 2013. As you can see flowers are getting bigger rapidly, theoretically the plants should be finished in about 3 weeks. It looks like they might take a little longer, no problem. Please note in this picture the panels are temporarily removed so you can see the plants in normal daylight.

Januari 26, 2013. With about 1 month to go they sure look promising. Haze varieties like this Amnesia usually have a longer flowering period, upto 12 weeks. Also this week I will remove the lower leaves again and spray against the spider mites for the last time.

Januari 19, 2013. Plants look perfect, flowers are getting bigger every day. I tied them down to the netting a bit to get a more even 'Sea Of Green'. I've also put the carbonfilter in a more effective position. Please have a look at the
review section to see what these panels can do with Amnesia; 195 gram out of 2 times 56 Watt! In 6 weeks we will know if I was able to get a similar result out of this Set-Up, it's quite a challenge :-)

Januari 11, 2013. The plants still look extremely healthy and flowers are finally starting to show. Please note the strain this time is Amnesia, which is a Haze variety. They are known to be extremely potent, but also for the height they reach and indeed the plants are still growing very rapidly. An American Haze specialist advised me to remove the lower leaves of the plants in order to free more energy for flowers, don't know yet if it will really help. There is about 7 weeks to go, can't wait :-).

December 29, 2012. Plants are looking great, still growing rapidly, no signs of flowers yet. The hydro system is working pretty good, reliable and stable so far. Changing the reservoir every 10 days is a lot of work though. I keep the PH around 5.8 and EC is still about 2.2, at the last weeks of flowering, if yellow leaves become significant, this will be pushed upward. That is the main avantage of hydro; you can correct the plants diet instantly. But you definitely need to know what you are doing, because you can also mess things up instantly :-).

December 20, 2012. Switched to flowering 12/24 and sprayed against the spider mites. Expected end of flowering will be march 3. As you can see the spaces between the pots have been filled with rocks and reflective foil has been added. I also 'supercropped' the tops a bit, this is done by bending them backwards every day, it gives more bushier plants.

December 9, 2012. You can see the white overflow pipe, this limits the upper level in the plant area. On the right of it is the inlet pipe which is fed by the pump in the reservoir under the table. The plant area is now 60 cm * 90 cm, about 2 * 3 foot. The clones will get a day or 2 to settle a bit, after that a second panel will be added. The spaces between the pots will be filled with hydro rocks as soon as the roots come out of the pots, roots don't like light. But until then it enables me to change the position of the individual plants.

December 9, 2012. A new Set-up is started, this time I wanted to test the panels with a simple and cheap Hydro system. Here is how the Ebb and Flow system is constructed, a 200 liter reservoir with a tiny pump is placed under the table. Every 2 hours the pump works for about 4 minutes, this is controlled by a digital timer. This pump period is enough to reach the overflow level, after that the pump is switched off and the plant area is drained automatically through the same pump pipe. It is a simple and stable system without risk of floods or blocked drippers. I will be using basic A+B hydro nutrients, PH will be stabilized at 5.8, reservoir temperature at 22 degrees C, 72 F.